SPE Valeur Assurable is a member of the ASCQ (Association des Syndicats de copropriétés du Québec) in collaboration with the Condo Network and the RGCQ (Regroupement des gestionnaires de copropriétés du Québec).
The syndicate has an insurable interest in the whole building, including the units. He must take out insurance against ordinary risks such as fire and theft, covering the entire building, excluding improvements by its owner party. The amount of the said insurance is the replacement value of the building..
He must also take out insurance covering his responsibility towards third parties.
It pays to be informed! (Co-insurance)
Indeed, knowing the true value of your goods allows you to:
- Acquire a fair and sufficient insurance coverage, according to the actual cost of reconstruction;
- Protect your belongings;
- Rapid and fair insurance settlement in case of a sinister.
For a peace of mind, trust professionals to assess the fair replacement value of your property.
SPE Valeur Assurable is a team of specialists who will be direct and straight forward in order to avoid you any surprises in case of a sinister. This way, you will obtain a sufficient insurance coverage, based on the fair valuation of the insurable value of your property, and therefore simplify as much as possible the indemnification by your insurance company.
SPE supplies you with a complete profile which becomes the indisputable evidence of the fair value of your property, thanks to a valuation of its certified insurable value.
Here is an example of what can be avoided:
Peter and Mary are victims of a fire
The fair value to reconstruct today is
The minimum insurance coverage required without penalty is 80% of the fair value
Peter and Mary’s insurance covers only
The fire burns down part of the house and the claim sums up to
To what amount will Peter and Mary be entitled?
The total claim sums up to
Our friends are only insured at 62.5% of the minimum value ($50 000 / $80 000 = 62.5%)
Therefore, they will be receiving 62.5% of the $40 000.00 claim